Partners in Ministry
Fulfilling the goal of Biblical education for the world for free requires Christians to cooperate with each other. IIIM Reformed Seminary extends an open hand in every way possible with other evangelical organizations. Several of our partner organizations are listed below (in alphabetical order).

Addis Covenant Theological Seminary (ACTS)
Addis Covenant Theological Seminary (ACTS) exists to equip Christians for leadership roles in various aspects of ministry. They use Thirdmill`s curriculum in some of their training.
Africa Christian Training Institute
Africa Christian Training Institute partners with Ugandan churches to identify needs in Africa, networks with American Christians to serve and work through Ugandans to meet those needs, and seeks to help the Ugandan Church identify and deploy the resources God has given them. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum in their training programs.
Africa Inland Church Tanzania
Africa Inland Church Tanzania distributes Thirdmill curriculum in English and Kiswahili throughout their diocese. They also provide translators for Thirdmill's Kiswahili translation project, and many of the bishops within the church hold training events for church leaders using Thirdmill curriculum.
African Bible Colleges
African Bible Colleges operates three Christian universities in Liberia, Malawi and Uganda whose chief aim is to train young Christian men and women how to be changemakers in their communities. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
African Independent Churches
African Independent Churches is an organization of churches that provides training for pastors and church leaders in Ghana and Togo. They distribute Thirdmill's curriculum to local churches and have a team of trainers who teach other leaders how to lead Thirdmill groups.
African Reformed Presbyterian Mission
African Reformed Presbyterian Mission is an agency of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Malawi tasked with training candidates for ordination in ministry. They use Thirdmill's curriculum to train pastors and church leaders.
AIM Bangladesh
AIM Bangladesh is a Bible school for teaching Bible and theology in Bengali. They provide translation efforts, small study groups, and write and distribute books for Christian growth and ministry in Bengali. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their study groups and have begun translating Thirdmill's materials into Bengali.
AIM Trainers
AIM Trainers serves the church globally by providing practical tools in gospel witness, disciple making, and leadership training. They plan to use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Al Magd Arabic TV Christian Satellite
Al Magd Arabic TV is an English and Arabic media network that broadcasts Thirdmill's Arabic curriculum to the Middle East, North Africa, Gulf countries, Turkey, Sudan, and North America.
ALM Bible Training Center
ALM Bible Training Center works with men and women to train leaders who can share the gospel with others. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum to train their leaders.
America Academics
America Academics equips the church in ministerial leadership, biblical and theological studies, and Christian entrepreneurship for the work of the Great Commission. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their training programs.
AMONG Mongolia
AMONG Mongolia seeks to share the gospel with the people of Mongolia. They have translated and broadcast Thirdmill's curriculum on Eagle Live television and freely distributed Thirdmill's Mongolian curriculum to countryside pastors.
Anglican Mission in America
Anglican Mission in America is a conservative branch of the Anglican Church under the authority of the Archbishops of Rwanda and South Korea. They have used Thirdmill's curriculum to help train Anglican pastors in various countries around the world.
Apollos Bible Institute (ABI)
Apollos Bible Institute (ABI) provides training to pastors and church leaders in Zambia by establishing "training sites" in every district, making biblical training available and accessible to every church leader. They use Thirdmill`s curriculum in their training.
Apostolic Voice University
Apostolic Voice University exists to offer free theological training to young people in Africa. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Argentine Bible Society
Argentine Bible Society, part of a global network of Bible Societies, seeks to promote Christian encounters with the Word of God, increase biblical interaction in church contexts, and contribute to the development of a worldview based on Scripture. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum as the basis for their Teleios project.
Asia Reformed Theological Institute (ARTI)
Asia Reformed Theological Institute (ARTI) is committed to protecting the Church from false teaching by training church leaders to carry on the mission of Christ no matter where they live in the world. They use Thirdmill Institute curriculum in some of their training programs.
Asian Christian Academy of India
Asian Christian Academy of India models Christian service through equipping men and women to be Christian leaders and through caring for local communities. They use Thirdmill's English curriculum in some of their courses.
Asia-Pacific Institute of International Studies (APIIS)
Asia-Pacific Institute of International Studies (APIIS) trains and equips Asian pastors and church leaders to provide wise, practical leadership and effective ministry in their churches and organizations. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Asociacion Cristiana Evangelica de Santa Cruz Bolivia
Asociacion Cristiana Evangelica de Santa Cruz Bolivia serves local churches in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum.
Asociación de Iglesias Bíblicas Costarricenses
Asociación de Iglesias Bíblicas Costarricenses, in association with United World Mission, seeks to educate pastors in Costa Rica who will train and disciple others in an effort to raise up new leaders, missionaries, and pastors. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum for their training purposes.
Assemblies of God Church of Wobrigre
Assemblies of God Church of Wobrigre is a congregation committed to spreading the Word of God in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. They use Thirdmill Institute's curriculum to train local pastors.
Atulado Ministries
Atulado Ministries exists to support the leadership of the church in Cuba as they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and provide resources to their communities. They provide Thirdmill's curriculum to pastors and church leaders for training.
Audio Vie France
Audio Vie France works with local Christians who bring the gospel to unreached peoples in new languages in most French-speaking African countries. They offer recorded material in local languages for free or at very low cost. They provide Thirdmill curriculum in multiple languages through their platform.
Azusa Academy of Excellence
Azusa Academy of Excellence is a theology school that was established to equip the saints and to serve with excellence. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum in some of their programs.
BAHTRAKU (Bahasa Transformasi Suku)
BAHTRAKU (Bahasa Transformasi Suku) assists and equips believers in various tribes in Indonesia to become true disciples of Christ and to translate the Bible into their own language so they can easily understand and share the gospel. They use Thirdmill's Indonesian curriculum.
Baptist Bible College Asia
Baptist Bible College Asia (BBCA) is raising up the next generation of church leaders by focusing on biblical training, leadership skills, English proficiency, and service to God. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Belhaven University
Belhaven University offers affordable online degree options using Thirdmill's curriculum in their bachelor's and master's programs in Biblical Studies, providing students with a high-impact, low-cost education.
Berea Bible College and Seminary
Berea Bible College and Seminary offers tuition-free theological education for pastors, church leaders, and others who desire to serve in the church. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their classes in Ghana.
Bethammi Christian Fellowship Church - Rwanda
Bethammi Christian Fellowship Church works to proclaim the gospel of salvation and to demonstrate the love of God through concrete actions of human and social development. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum in their Bible college.
Bethea Theological Bible College
Bethea Theological Bible College offers affordable, online and in-person certificate and degree options, allowing students to focus on their area of ministry interest. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their associate's, bachelor's, and master's programs.
Bible Life School of Theology
Bible Life School of Theology is an international seminary that raises up deeply rooted disciples of Christ and ministers of the gospel through sound biblical training. They use Thirdmill's curriculum for their online training.
BibleMesh provides high-quality, trusted online education to produce faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. They offer Thirdmill curriculum as part of their online learning environment.
BibleMesh Institute
BibleMesh Institute, in association with BibleMesh, provides affordable online training for local churches, schools, and ministries by incorporating excellent instruction and cutting-edge technology. They offer a Third Millennium Certificate at the master's level under faculty supervision.
Billion.Global is a network of ministry partners collaborating to reach one billion people with the Gospel. They are promoting Thirdmill materials within their network of ministry partners around the globe.
Birmingham Theological Seminary
Birmingham Theological Seminary (BTS) delivers high-quality seminary education at an affordable price. Using Thirdmill curriculum, BTS offers a free Certificate in Christian Ministry program in both English and Spanish to students who live outside the U.S.
Blaze is The Grace Institute's local and regional discipleship initiative for laity, elder, or pastoral training that employs a learning community model. It uses Thirdmill's curriculum in its instruction.
Blessed To Bless Others Ministries
Blessed to Bless Others Ministries is a faith-based, interdenominational ministry in Malawi whose mission is to evangelize, disciple, plant churches and transform local communities through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their discipleship training. provides Thirdmill's Russian curriculum for free to people searching for key information about the Trinity.
Book of Life
Book of Life, based in Malawi, does community outreach evangelism and revival meetings. They also serve orphans and work with young people through their 80+ youth Bible study centers. They use Thirdmill's English curriculum in some of their training programs.
Bountiful Blessings Bible Training Institute
Bountiful Blessings Bible Training Institute is a practical Bible training institute aimed at equipping the saints for the work of ministry in Ghana. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their courses.
Camino Global
Camino Global serves Spanish speakers everywhere to transform communities, equip believers, and reach the world. They actively distribute Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum and use Thirdmill Spanish lessons in their school, Seminario de Formación Bíblica Teológia.
Caribbean Initiative
Caribbean Initiative provides contextualized biblical education to evangelical leaders across Cuba. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of the courses at their seminary, Los Pinos Nuevos.
Catalyst Missions
Catalyst Missions works with pastors, ministry, leaders and disciples in the Global South to help end theological famine by providing robust theological training free of charge. They use some of Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Central Asia Reform Biblical Seminary
Central Asia Reform Biblical Seminary equips pastors, Christian workers, church planters, and professors through granting theological degrees. They use Thirdmills curriculum through Miami International Seminary (MINTS).
Centro Bíblico SOLAE
Centro Biblico SOLAE is an online seminary that uses Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum to provide accessible biblical education to current and future leaders of the Costa Rican church.
China Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries (CARTS)
China Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries is a group of Reformed theological seminaries based in China that gather yearly to encourage and support each other. Various seminaries use Thirdmill's Chinese curriculum in their courses.
China Ministries International
China Ministries International is dedicated to evangelizing Chinese people, churches, and culture through research, training, missionaries, and publications. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their Master of Divinity program.
China Partnership
China Partnership serves as a bridge between Western and Chinese churches. They coordinate many efforts in China, especially leadership training, which has led to increased distribution of Thirdmill's curriculum to thousands of church leaders.
China Reformed Theological Seminary (CRTS)
China Reformed Theological Seminary is a conservative reformed seminary in Taiwan. They also have a Reformed publication branch and TV media department. They use Thirdmill's Chinese curriculum in some of their programs.
Chinese Christianity Network TV (CCN-TV)
Chinese Christianity Network TV (CCN-TV) provides Chinese Christian educational resources, sermons, music, news, and more. They currently webcast Thirdmill's Chinese curriculum through the internet free of charge.
Chinese House Churches and Seminaries
House churches exist throughout China to spread God's Word and make disciples. Some have grown from small meetings to large study centers and seminaries. Many house churches and seminaries in China use Thirdmill's Chinese curriculum to help train their leaders.
Christian Global Network - CGNTV
Christian Global Network (CGNTV), based in Korea, produces and delivers gospel content for missionaries and other Christians via satellite and the internet. They broadcast Thirdmill's Chinese curriculum.
Christian Hakka Seminary
Christian Hakka Seminary cultivates ministry workers for the Kingdom of God, starting with the Hakka people, and participates in global missions. They use Thirdmill's Chinese curriculum in their training.
Christian Mission School of Theology
Christian Mission School of Theology works with existing and potential church leaders to glorify Christ by providing biblically based training in the profession, proclamation, and defense of the Christian faith. They use Thirdmill Institute's English program as the core of their training program.
Christian University and Theological Seminary
Christian University and Theological Seminary provides education to Christian workers to fully equip them to become disciples of Christ. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Christian Vision (CV)
Christian Vision (CV) is a global Christian ministry that serves and equips Christians and the local church in their evangelistic endeavors. They post Thirdmill's Arabic curriculum in articles on their website.
Christian Vision for Development
Christian Vision for Development engages individuals in theological training and Bible translation and promotes community-based, socio-economic activities that foster local, sustainable recovery and growth. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum in some of their training programs.
Church of Good News
Church of Good News is a Pentecostal church that offers Institute classes for local pastors. They use Thirdmill Institute's curriculum for their training.
City Presbyterian Church - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
City Presbyterian Church in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, seeks to cultivate reformation revival in the church while attending to the poor and those needing help on a daily basis. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their leadership classes.
City Vision University
City Vision uses online education to transform lives through Jesus, justice, and technology. They have partnered with Thirdmill to offer learning credit for those who have taken Thirdmill's online courses, as well as offering a graduate Certificate in Ministry through their faculty-led courses.
Civitas Dei - Centro Cristiano para Americana Latina
Civitas Dei promotes education based on the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, collaborating with the construction of the City of God throughout Latin America. They rely heavily on Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum for their training programs.
Compedia Ltd.
Compedia Ltd. helps students succeed by using cutting edge technology in education. Their subsidiary, Crossflix+, is a streaming, interactive and social media platform that provides faith and family content and offers streaming of Thirdmill lessons.
Confederación Mundial de Capellanes
Confederación Mundial de Capellanes uses Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum to train and send church leaders in Argentina.
Cornhill Scotland
Cornhill Scotland offers integrated training courses that shape Christian people to be servants of the word of Christ. Their Pastors' Training Course uses Thirdmill's online classroom as well as other aspects of Thirdmill's curriculum.
Corporación Facultad Teológica de Colombia (CORFATEC)
Corporación Facultad Teológica de Colombia (CORFATEC) is the seminary for Iglesia Embajadores de Cristo en Colombia. CORFATEC offers both bachelor's and master's level degrees to their students. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their courses.
Covenant University
Covenant University a Full Gospel Christian College offering undergraduate and graduate programs in ministerial academics to students around the world. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Cru (the name of Campus Crusade for Christ International in the U.S.) wins, builds, and sends Christ-centered multiplying disciples around the world. Cru has collaborated with Thirdmill on many projects and has used some Thirdmill curriculum in their International School of Leadership.
Cure Children's Hospital Zimbabwe
CURE Children's Hospital operates a global network of eight children's hospitals that provide world-class surgical treatment and spiritual care to children living with treatable disabilities. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum for training.
Destiny Bible College
Destiny Bible College provides Christ-centered training and instruction for all seeking a Christian education in diverse areas of ministry and personal growth. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI)
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) works with church planting leaders and pastors around the world. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in multiple languages globally.
Edgewood Ministries
Edgewood Ministries teaches pastors how to create a clear philosophy of ministry (POM) and thus viable strategies that carry out the mission of the church for any generation, demographic or culture. They use Thirdmill curriculum in some of their training.
Edutech Mission
Edutech Mission equips ministry leaders around the world by providing quality consulting, leadership training, and resources. They use various tools, including Thirdmill, to nurture gospel transformation and church growth.
Eglise Messianique Pour la Guérison des Ames: Gitega
Eglise Messianique Pour la Guerison des Ames Gitega (EMGA-Gitega) trains pastors and lay leaders from many churches in their area of Burundi. They use Thirdmill Institute's curriculum in their leadership training.
El Buen Pastor Presbyterian Church
El Buen Pastor PCA is a Christ-centered church, led by the Spirit, that exists to glorify God and spread the good news of salvation and the transforming power of Jesus Christ to the nearby community. They use Thirdmill Institute's Spanish curriculum in their church training program.
Elohim Theological University
Elohim Theological University works with church leaders, pastors, and laity in order to equip them with a Christ-centered biblical education. They use Thirdmill's materials in all of their degree programs.
Emet Global Theological Seminary and College
Emet Global Theological Seminary & College is dedicated to equipping the body of Christ by teaching biblical truth to anyone seeking to learn the Word of God. They use the Thirdmill Institute in their Theological College.
Emmaus Reformed Church of Africa
Emmaus Reformed Church of Africa is committed to planting and growing biblically sound churches across Africa by coming alongside the denomination to help provide training and support to church leaders. They use Thirdmill`s curriculum to train leaders and send them out to plant churches in Africa.
Emoyeni Ministries South Africa
Emoyeni Ministries South Africa works to restore children in South Africa to their God-given identity and provides certified training for local pastors and church leaders to plant healthy churches in unreached areas. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their pastoral training.
Episcopal Revival International Diocese and Seminary
Episcopal Revival International Diocese and Seminary teaches pastors in India to share the gospel and uplift people through the truth of the Bible while helping them navigate the government's laws and regulations over the church. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Equip Bible Academy
Equip Bible Academy is a school in South Africa that uses Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Equipping Leaders International (ELI)
Equipping Leaders International (ELI) serves Christian leaders who lack formal training and resources and have little prospect of attaining either. ELI provides and teaches Thirdmill curriculum to church leaders in developing world nations.
Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church
Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church is one of the largest denominations in Ethiopia with over 5,000 congregations. They have officially embraced Thirdmill's Amharic curriculum to be used in their Bible schools.
eVachan is an eLearning site that enables several ministries to come together on a common platform and leverage training with the help of innovative and interactive online learning tools. They provide Thirdmill's curriculum on their learning platform.
Evangelia University
Evangelia University, affiliated with the Korean Presbyterian Church in America (Kosin), provides a Christian and classical education at the undergraduate level and a Reformed education at the seminary level. They use Thirdmill's English online classroom for free distance education initiatives in Africa, Myanmar, and North America.
Evangelical Leadership Institute Asia (ELI Asia)
Evangelical Leadership Institute Asia (ELI Asia) is a group of biblical, theological, and ministerial educators whose mission is to provide quality teaching materials and practical training for pastors, elders, and other church leaders right where they live. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine (ERSU)
Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine (ERSU) runs both a seminary and an online Bible college in Kiev, Ukraine. Their seminary is the official seminary of two Ukrainian Reformed denominations. Both the seminary and online college use Thirdmill's Russian curriculum in some of their courses.
Evangelism Explosion International
Evangelism Explosion International is a ministry that trains people how to share their faith in Christ and how to bring people from unbelief to belief. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their Advanced Theological Studies (EEATS) program to train ministry leaders.
Everychurch Initiative
Everychurch Initiative provides biblical and theological education to persecuted churches worldwide. They include Thirdmill's curriculum on the devices they send to the persecuted church in Eurasia, the Middle East, and Africa.
Faith Global Seminary
Faith Global Seminary equips pastors, missionaries and laypeople for ministry by providing tuition-free certificate and degree programs online and through correspondence courses. They use Thirdmill's English curriculum in some of their their online courses.
FaithChatt spreads the gospel globally through the power of digital resources in order to tell everyone the good news. They focus on Bible study, prayer support, and Christian fellowship, creating a community centered around discipleship as they share the gospel with the whole world. They provide Thirdmill's curriculum on their discord server.
Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC)
Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) is a global Christian broadcast ministry that develops and delivers programs to listeners around the world in 100 different languages, including Mandarin, Russian, and Arabic. They currently use Thirdmill's curriculum as part of their broadcast programming.
Flowing Grace Ministries
Flowing Grace Ministries seeks to encourage and equip believers while spreading the gospel to a world in need by displaying Gods grace. They have provided Thirdmill curriculum to pastors in Malawi.
Formations Academy
Formations Academy is a non-profit, evangelical Bible school on Cape Cod that equips believers from all walks of life to impact their world and spheres of influence through theological and ministerial training. They use Thirdmill Institute's curriculum in their training programs.
Free Burma Rangers
The Free Burma Rangers is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement that brings help, hope and love to people in the conflict zones of Burma, Iraq, and Sudan. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their work.
Fresh Bread Ministries
Fresh Bread Ministries is a non-denominational leadership training center based in Kenya and Tanzania. They use some of Thirdmill's English curriculum in their training programs.
Fundación Editorial de Literatura Reformada (FELiRe)
Fundación Editorial de Literatura Reformada (FELiRe) is a Christian organization, sponsored by various Reformed churches in the Netherlands, that serves the people of God through the promotion of quality Christian literature in Latin America. Thirdmill incorporates some of their literature in our Spanish online classroom.
Fundación Tierra Del Mesias
Fundación Tierra Del Mesías is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping those in need, including children, adolescents, adults and seniors. They use Thirdmill Institute's Spanish curriculum to train their leaders.
Global Leadership Institute
Global Leadership Institute is a Korean mission center for advancing leadership and overseas missions. GLI combines the idea of lifelong, self-directed learning with the concept of missionary work. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training programs.
Global Leadership Training Centre - Mumbai
Global Leadership Training Centre - Mumbai, provides a quality education that is Bible-based, Evangelical and Pentecostal in perspective. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Glory Outreach Assembly Church
Glory Outreach Assembly Church operates a school that reaches out to poor and needy children in Burundi. It uses Thirdmill's curriculum in its program.
Good News Theological Seminary
Good News Theological Seminary provides Christ-centered and Bible-based theological and pastoral education primarily to church workers and leaders of African Instituted Churches (AICs). The Seminary offers online courses and other programs based on Thirdmill's curriculum in conjunction with other resources and supplementary readings.
Good Samaritan Ministries
Good Samaritan Ministries works to proclaim the gospel, train ministers and church leaders, and give believers basic knowledge of the Bible. They use Thirdmill curriculum in their training.
Great Commission Christian University
Great Commission Christian University provides theological education to pastors and ministry leaders in Liberia and other parts of West Africa. They use Thirdmill materials as part of their curriculum.
Great Commission Coaching
Great Commission Coaching provides mentoring and coaching to Mexican church pastors and leaders as they develop a new church planting network. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their training.
Grupo Evangelistico
Grupo Evangelístico is an evangelistic organization that uses Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum to train new believers and to reach different peoples and ethnic groups in Mexico.
Haifa Theological Institute (HTI)
Haifa Theological Institute (HTI) works to strengthen the Russian-speaking Messianic body in Israel and to train future Messianic leaders. They use some of Thirdmill's Russian curriculum in their courses.
HaMoreh Ministries
HaMoreh Ministries exists to make disciples by sponsoring, teaching, and mentoring pastors and teachers in East Africa and beyond. They use Thirdmill curriculum in some of their training.
Harvard Time
Harvard Time exists to provide Biblical training to pastors and church leaders in the southern part of Africa. They use Thirdmill curriculum as part of their training.
Harvest Bible College
Harvest Bible College equips, educates, and trains ministers who will faithfully and passionately serve Jesus Christ. They use Thirdmill's English and Swahili curriculum in some of their training classes.
Heart Bridge International
Heart Bridge International is an interdenominational Christian mission organization committed to equipping and empowering Christians around the world to fulfill the Great Commission. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Hispanic Leadership Initiative
Hispanic Leadership Initiative works to see the multiplication, renewal, and mobilization of Hispanic gospel leaders in the United States. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in their training programs.
HopeRussia Theological Seminary
HopeRussia Theological Seminary provides free masters-level education to resource-challenged students in nine time zones, most of whom are already leading churches. They use Thirdmill's Russian curriculum in some of their courses.
Horizons International
Horizons International seek to support, challenge, and equip churches around the world to become mission sending bases. Their church empowerment program trains and equips each new church community to begin the process of sending missionaries. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training programs.
Huguenot Heritage Ministries
Huguenot Heritage is the ministry of Thirdmill's French Language Coordinator, Rev. Francis Foucachon, who is translating Thirdmill's curriculum into French. They work with Thirdmill to bring biblical education to the French-speaking world.
Iglesia Comunidad Cristiana de La Villa
Iglesia Comunidad Cristiana de La Villa, a local church Cuba, uses Thirdmill Institute's Spanish curriculum to train their leaders. They also plan to offer the training to churches and leaders in their area.
Iglesia Evangélica Getsemaní
Iglesia Evangélica Getsemaní is a church in Cuba that uses Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum to train students within their church who then use what they learn to teach Sunday School classes.
Iglesia Evangelica Metodista en Bolivia
Iglesia Evangelica Metodista de Bolivia seeks to have an impact on the process of building a more just, supportive, equitable, democratic and participatory society. They use Thirdmill's Spanish Institute curriculum for training their pastors and lay pastors throughout Bolivia.
Iglesia Fundamentos
Iglesia Fundamentos is a local church Villavicencio, Colombia. They use Thirdmill Institute's Spanish curriculum to train church leaders.
Iglesia Hispana Presbiteriana
Iglesia Hispana Presbiteriana is a Spanish speaking church in Richmond, Virginia that uses Thirdmill Institute's Spanish curriculum to train their leadership. They are plan to start a training center for other Spanish-speaking churches in the Richmond area.
Impact Ministry Alliance
Impact Ministry Alliance provides quality training to individuals throughout the world. They use Thirdmill Institute's English and Spanish curriculum for their online schools.
Indian Revival Assembly
Indian Revival Assembly works with individuals to train them in biblical and theological knowledge to become leaders within the church. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum in their training programs throughout different parts of India.
Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI)
Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI) uses distance and in-person learning to train executives and leaders in key areas of holistic development for a dynamic and beneficial transformation of communities and nations. They use Thirdmill?s French curriculum in some of their training programs.
Institute for Christian Studies
The Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, provides live and online spiritual formation, education, and training to help people grow in their faith. They use Thirdmill's Pauline studies in their spiritual formation, education, and diaconate training courses.
Instituto Bíblico - Teológico EDUCA
Instituto Bíbilco-Teológico EDUCA is a virtual seminary based in Chile that helps Spanish-speaking people of God around the world access theological, biblical, and ministerial training. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their courses.
Instituto Bíblico CRECER
Instituto Bíblico CRECER is a non-profit academic organization that offers online resources for Christians. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their courses.
Instituto Bíblico Teológico Luz Verdadera
Instituto Bíblico Teológico Luz Verdadera offers practical and accessible biblical and theological training for pastors and leaders in their own communities through distance education. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in their training programs.
Instituto y Facultad Teológica Nacional (INFATEN)
The Instituto y Facultad Teológico Nacional (INFATEN) trains and prepares people to serve the Lord with excellence by focusing on the Word of God and narrowing the barriers of distance through various online learning platforms. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in their training.
Interkerk Evangelisasie Woordskool South Africa
Interkerk Evangelisasie Woordskool is an Afrikaans-based Christian Fellowship in the poor communities of Uitenhage and surrounding areas.that focuses on free training for pastors and church leaders. They use Thirdmill curriculum in their training.
International Bible University
International Bible University works to train lay leaders and pastors to be faithful leaders. They incorporate Thirdmill's Kiswahili curriculum and Thirdmill institute's English curriculum into training sessions at their pastor conferences.
International Biblical Seminary
International Biblical Seminary (formerly Ukraine Biblical Seminary) serves as the main distribution point for Thirdmill's Russian curriculum, which has been adopted by the seminary and used in their leadership training.
International Cooperating Ministries (ICM)
International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) exists to equip indigenous ministries by providing permanent church buildings and practical discipleship tools for oral learners. They distribute Thirdmill material through their distribution channels.
International Theological Education Network (ITEN)
International Theological Education Network (ITEN) is a ministry track of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church's (EPC) World Outreach. ITEN develops teachers among unreached peoples who will develop teachers among other unreached peoples. They are using Thirdmill's curriculum in Siberia and Ethiopia.
IPEKA Indonesia
IPEKA Indonesia provides high-quality Christian education for primary and secondary students. They use some of Thirdmill's curriculum in their classes.
iTEE Global
iTEE Global seeks to deliver transferrable biblical leadership and discipleship education globally through the distribution of course materials, training events, and consultation services. They use Thirdmill's MOODLE courses in their online classroom.
Jesus Moment Bible Institute
Jesus Moment Bible Institute offers college-level Bible, theology and ministry courses in their associate's and bachelor's degree programs. They use Thirdmill's curriculum as part of their coursework.
Jude Project
Jude Project translates and publishes biblical training resources for Christians in the Middle East. They translate Thirdmill's curriculum into Farsi.
Kachema Afrika Institute
Kachema Afrika Institute provides training to pastors and church leaders in Zambia. They use Thirdmill curriculum in some of their classes.
Kairos TV Jakarta
Kairos TV Jakarta, affiliated with Berita Satu Media Holdings, is the world's largest media company in reporting and delivering news about Indonesia. They dedicated an entire channel on their network to Thirdmill's curriculum and have helped to translate Thirdmill's lessons into Bahasa Indonesia.
Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church
Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church is the largest evangelical church in Egypt and the Arab world. Their mission is to spread God's love and the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Arab world. They use Thirdmill's Arabic curriculum in some of their training programs.
Kingdom Restoration Society
Kingdom Restoration Society is a global partnership mission agency that works for the proclamation of the good news of the kingdom of God in word and deed. They use Thirdmill curriculum for their training courses in Africa and Asia.
Kingdom School of Divinity
Kingdom School of Divinity provides a comprehensive hybrid and in-person theological education to men and women committed to serving the Lord in his church in Kenya and beyond. Their goal is to equip church leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a difference in the world. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Kings & Priests Ministries, Inc.
Kings & Priests Ministries works to evangelize Africa through leveraging the activities of independent rural church planters and missionaries. They use Thirdmill Institute's English materials in their training programs.
Kinshasa International University
Kinshasa International University (KIU) is a university institution that operates 60% in English and 40% in French. They use Thirdmill's English and French curriculum in some of their courses.
KVBC Trust
KVBC Trust (NextGen Mandarin) exists to equip and raise up a new generation of church leaders in Chinese churches, targeting leaders between the ages of 18 to 35. They use Thirdmill's Chinese curriculum in some of their training.
LAMP Theological Seminary
LAMP Theological Seminary offers the full range of courses needed for ordination within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). They have incorporated some of Thirdmill's curriculum into their courses.
Lancaster Bible College
Lancaster Bible College is a private Bible college that educates Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving him in the church and society. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses to train leaders in Africa.
LDI (Leadership Development Initiative)
LDI (Leadership Development Initiative) focuses on the spiritual, internal development and practical, external service of those who exercise leadership as followers of Christ. They use Thirdmill's curriculum as part of building a biblical foundation for all those who want to grow in the depth and exercise of their leadership.
LEAD uses online learning, one-on-one coaching, and practical lessons based on solid biblical teaching to help students grow in their volunteer or vocational ministry leadership. They use Thirdmill's English and Spanish curriculum in some of their training.
Leadership Training International
Leadership Training International aims to equip pastors, elders, deacons, and other Christian leaders with important practical skills to implement in their churches and the communities they serve. They plan to use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum in their leadership training program.
Light and Life Mission
Light and Life Mission exists to serve the people of Cameroon through church planting, evangelism, as well as other community development endeavors to support the health and well-being of God`s people in many poverty-stricken parts of Cameroon. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training programs.
Light of Christ Bible Church (LCBC)
Light of Christ Bible Church is an indigenous network of churches in Darfur that encourages local congregations to become missionary minded, provides relief for IDPs and refugees, promotes education, and equips members to become useful tools in God?s kingdom. They plan to use Thirdmill?s English and Arabic curriculum.
Logos Global Network (LGN)
Logos Global Network (LGN) ministers worldwide through Christian education, missions, and humanitarian ministries. LGN distributes Thirdmill's curriculum to educational institutions in a number of countries, and Logos Christian College and Graduate School has incorporated Thirdmill's curriculum into its distance education program.
Los Pinos Nuevos
Los Pinos Nuevos promotes comprehensive training for pastors and Christian leaders that enables the formation and multiplication of healthy churches to impact society for the gospel. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their courses.
Love and Peace Mission - Kenya
Love and Peace Mission provides a Thirdmill Training Center for pastors and church leaders in rural Kenya, and distributes Thirdmill curriculum to pastors in their region. They use Thirdmill's English curriculum in their training and also translate it into a local dialect, Luo.
Making Disciplers Ministry
Making Disciplers Ministry uses Thirdmill's Arabic curriculum primarily in North and Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East to teach and train lay church leaders.
Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS)
Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS) uses various resources through strategic partnerships to train and prepare God's people for service. They use Thirdmill Institute's Chinese curriculum in their training programs.
Manna University
Manna University is dedicated to preparing emerging leaders to change the world by advancing the kingdom of God through sound biblical training, practical ministry and personal development. They use some of Thirdmill's curriculum in their courses.
Marion Baptist Association
Marion Baptist Association is a network of Southern Baptist Churches that work alongside one another for the better advancement of the Kingdom. They use Thirdmill materials to equip church leaders in English and Spanish.
Mehr Reformed Ministries
Mehr Reformed Ministries exists to provide biblical and theological training to the next generation of Farsi-speaking Christian disciples in Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, and the Middle East. They are helping translate Thirdmill into Farsi.
Miami International Seminary (MINTS)
Miami International Seminary (MINTS) uses higher Christian education to train future leaders, pastors, and Christian workers to reach their own people. MINTS uses Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Ministerio Cristiano Fundamento para la Familia
Ministerio Cristiano Fundamento para la Familia works to restore and empower the Mexican nation's social fabric by strengthening the family through the principles of the kingdom of God. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their training classes.
Mission to Children
Mission to Children spreads the gospel by feeding children physically with a meal and spiritually with Gods Word and by equipping front-line Christians with materials to disciple children after evangelistic outreaches. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum in some of their programs.
Mission to North America (MNA)
Mission to North America - MNA desires to serve PCA churches, presbyteries, and networks in North AMerica by offering a suite of practical ministry resources ? training, equipping, and assisting in missional purpose, serving communities to advance God?s kingdom. The provide Thirdmill curriculum in some of their training.
Mission To the World (MTW)
Mission to the World (MTW) is the missions division of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). They partner with Thirdmill in numerous ways, including using and sharing Thirdmill's curriculum in their ministries around the world.
Mission: Hope
Mission: Hope (formerly Rivers of the World) is a Christ-centered organization committed to equipping leaders and churches to bring about sustainable transformation in isolated villages in Indonesia, Nicaragua, China, Dominican Republic, and D.R. Congo.
MPK (Majelis Pendidikan Kristen Indonesia)
MPK (Majelis Pendidikan Kristen Indonesia) oversees several Christian education foundations/agencies throughout Indonesia with a vision to produce graduates who are excellent, adaptive, capable of leading, and have Christian character and mission. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
MTW - Africa
Mission To the World (MTW) is the missions division of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). They partner with Thirdmill in numerous ways, including using and sharing Thirdmill's curriculum with churches and ministries in Africa.
MTW - Asia-Pacific
Mission To the World (MTW) is the missions division of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). They partner with Thirdmill in numerous ways, including using and sharing Thirdmill's curriculum with churches and ministries in Asia and the Pacific.
MTW - Caribbean
Mission To the World (MTW) is the missions division of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). They partner with Thirdmill in numerous ways, including using and sharing Thirdmill's curriculum with churches and ministries in the Caribbean islands.
MTW - Latin America
Mission To the World (MTW) is the missions division of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). They partner with Thirdmill in numerous ways, including using and sharing Thirdmill's curriculum with churches and ministries in Latin America.
MTW - North America
Mission To the World (MTW) is the missions division of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). They partner with Thirdmill in numerous ways, including using and sharing Thirdmill's curriculum with churches and ministries in North America.
Myungsung Christian Medical Center Chapel Ministry
Myungsung Christian Medical Center is a Korean missionary hospital that provides advanced medical services to people in Ethiopia. The medical center's Chapel Ministry uses Thirdmill Institute's English and Amharic curriculum in some of its training.
Myungsung Medical College
Myungsung Medical College is a Korean missionary hospital that collaborates with international organizations, churches, and other mission organizations to provide advanced medical services to people in Ethiopia who are unable to get proper medical care. They also teach classes using Thirdmill's Amharic curriculum in nearby villages.
National Presbyterian Church of Mexico
The National Presbyterian Church of Mexico has adopted Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum as the core of their distance education efforts for training pastors.
National Theological Association
National Theological Association is a non-profit accreditation body dedicated to providing a professional educational accrediting service to Christian Theological Institutions, Seminaries, and Bible Schools in India and internationally. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Network of Russian-speaking Churches (NRC-EBF)
The Network of Russian Speaking Churches in the European Baptist Federation partners with Thirdmill by posting links on their website to Thirdmill's Russian curriculum.
New City Fellowship - Chattanooga
New City Fellowship Chattanooga is a cross-cultural church with an emphasis on ministering to the inner city of Chattanooga, TN. They use Thirdmill's curriculum to train lay leaders at their School of Ministry.
New City Fellowship - St. Louis
New City Fellowship equips and mobilizes the people of God to extend Gods justice and mercy to the nations and to proclaim the unsearchable love of God in Christ Jesus to people in St. Louis, MO. They use Thirdmill's online classroom for some of their classes.
New Life Power Gospel Fellowship
New Life Power Gospel Fellowship trains indigenous leaders and church planters to advance the gospel in India, especially in unreached areas where the gospel has never been preached. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum in their Bible school.
NRBTV is a Christian television channel that streams various Thirdmill series in 30-minute segments on DIRECTV and other cable channels and streaming devices, such as GoogleTV, Amazon Fire, Roku, YouTube, and AppleTV.
Nueva Providencia
Nueva Providencia is a theological school that desires to serve God and advance his kingdom through the education of Christian men and couples with an emphasis on ministerial practice and the application of God's Word in every area of life. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their courses.
NXTGEN Pastors
NXTGEN Pastors exists to prepare local churches and presbyteries to proclaim the gospel by empowering regional leaders to raise up the next generation of pastors. Thirdmill is one of the recommended curriculum options for their cohort model of training.
Oikos Initiative
Oikos Initiative serves the Church by equipping and mobilizing believers to participate in sharing the truth and love of Jesus with every person and home on earth. They use Thirdmill Institute's Amharic curriculum to train church leaders and pastors in Ethiopia.
Olomayiani Baptist Church
Olomayiani Baptist Church in Kajiado county, Kenya, whose mission is to disciple men and women to serve the kingdom of God. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
OneHundredFold is a group of specialists in software development, web design, database engineering, networking and telecommunications who believe that mobile technology has a transformative role to play in making the gospel of Christ accessible to every individual on Earth. OneHundredFold works with Thirdmill to make our materials securely and discretely accessible via mobile means.
Our Daily Bread University
Our Daily Bread University is an online university affiliated with Our Daily Bread Ministries. It offers Thirdmill's curriculum on its website in English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Portuguese.
Parenthood Civil Society Organization
The Parenthood Civil Society Organization is an international organization committed to the well-being of people through ministry. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their programs.
Partner 10:15
Partner 10:15 partners with the local church to help them send missionaries to the mission field and partners with international churches to train pastors and plant healthy churches all over the world for the glory of Christ. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Pathfinder Harvest Ministries
Pathfinder Harvest reaches the community through church planting, Bible translation, evangelism, leadership development, economic empowerment, health, and education. Their goal is to partner with other like-minded organizations and churches in order to minister to their community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They use Thirdmill's curriculum for some of their training.
Pathway is a church-based Bible institute approved by the General Council of the Assemblies of God designed to meet the educational requirements necessary to apply for ministerial credentials. They include Thirdmill's curriculum in their subscription service.
Peru Mission
Peru Mission is building solid, holistic Christian community in the urban centers of northern Peru. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum as part of their theological education.
Pilgrim Theological Seminary
Pilgrim Theological Seminary provides theological education to men and women in coastal Carolina and to others through their online and partnering churches programs, including people who live or work in U.S. prisons and people who live in Tanzania. They use Thirdmill's English curriculum in their programs.
Preachers' Mission Africa Uganda
Preachers` Mission Africa Uganda exists to train, equip, and disciple pastors and church leaders in Uganda. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their training.
PS78Teachers encourages an interest in and facilitates the creation of God-centered day schools and home schools in evangelical churches worldwide and equips teachers for these schools. They use Thirdmill in some of their training.
PTS College & Advanced Studies
PTS College & Advanced Studies, located in the Philippines, seeks to provide quality and holistic Christian educational services at all levels, to train men and women for the building up of the church and transformation of the society, and to serve as catalyst for the expansion of God's kingdom on earth. They use Thirdmill’s curriculum in some of their courses.
Pura Gracia Radio
Pura Gracia Radio is a Spanish-language, not-for-profit internet radio station based in Puerto Rico. They broadcast Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum.
Rainbow Presbyterian Church - Gadsden, AL
Rainbow Presbyterian Church in Gadsden, AL, actively distributes Thirdmill's English and Kiswahili curriculum to pastors and church leaders in Tanzania and other African countries through pastor conferences and training sessions.
Reconciliation Ministries Network, Inc.
Reconciliation Ministries Network, Inc. seeks to reconcile the races to God and each other by equipping and mobilizing ethnic churches. They list Thirdmill on their Theological Schools and Missions Resources web page.
Recursos Reformados
Recursos Reformados is a database of Reformed resources in Spanish to assist Christians in their theological, spiritual and ministerial formation. The bulk of their recommended seminary program consists of Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum.
Reformed Ministry Training Institute (RMTI)
Reformed Ministry Training Institute (RMTI) exists to equip Christian leaders and aspiring pastors by providing a variety of ministry training resources and opportunities in RMTI centers in the Philippines. Their Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies is a two-year program of study based exclusively on Thirdmill's curriculum.
Restoration Ministries Adenta: Accra, Ghana
Restoration Ministries mission is to create an enabling environment to raise a godly family through fellowship in the Word, truth, and the Holy Spirit. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training programs.
RightNow Media
RightNow Media is a video subscription service for churches and Christians. They use Thirdmill's Gospels, Hebrews, and Revelation materials in Spanish on their Latin American channel.
Rivers Arising Ministerial Association (RAMA)
Rivers Arising Ministerial Association (RAMA) provides Christian leadership, training, and inspiration to build and support Christians in the United States. They use Thirdmill curriculum in their training.
ROTLC School of Revelation Bible College
ROTLC School of Revelation Bible College trains pastors and life coaches. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in many of their courses.
SARA (Savior Alone Reaches Asians) Ministries
SARA (Savior Alone Reaches Asians) Ministries trains pastors, plants churches, and cares for orphans throughout Nepal and South Asia. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum for some of their training.
SAT-7 is a Christian satellite television system that has broadcast Thirdmill's Arabic curriculum throughout the Middle East and North Africa, including in Syrian refugee camps, and also in Cyprus and Sudan.
Security Sensitive Partners - East Asia
Thirdmill has 81 partners in the East Asia region that cannot be listed on our website due to security issues.
Security Sensitive Partners - Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Thirdmill has 23 partners in the Eastern Europe & Central Asia region that cannot be listed on our website due to security issues.
Security Sensitive Partners - Middle East & North Africa
Thirdmill has 4 partners in the Middle East & North Africa region that cannot be listed on our website due to security issues.
Security Sensitive Partners - South Asia
Thirdmill has 243 partners in the South Asia region that cannot be listed on our website due to security issues.
Security Sensitive Partners - Sub-Saharan Africa
Thirdmill has 1 partner in the Sub-Saharan Africa region that cannot be listed on our website due to security issues.
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Amanat Agung (STTAA)
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Amanat Agung (STTAA) is the seminary of the Gereja Kristus Yesus, also affiliated with PGI, the largest fellowship of Christian churches in Indonesia. STTAA offers free theological education to students. They use Thirdmill's Indonesian curriculum in their courses.
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Iman Jakarta (STTI)
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Iman Jakarata (STTI) carries out God?s mission by providing theological education, responding to the needs of the church and society, improving the quality of life in the community, and producing missional church leaders. They use Thirdmill?s Indonesian curriculum in their courses.
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta is a network of seminaries across Indonesia that provide theological education to pastors in villages and remote areas. They use Thirdmill's Indonesian curriculum in their courses.
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia (STTRI)
Sekolah Tinggi Theolgi Reformed Indonesia (STTRI) offers free theological education to students, including certificate programs and bachelor's and master's degrees in theology, divinity and ministry studies. They use Thirdmill's Indonesian curriculum in their courses.
Seminario Bíblico Reformado
Seminario Bíblico Reformado is an online seminary that equips and trains the laity and leadership of the church using Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in addition to other resources.
Seminario de Capacitación Bíblica Permanente (SECABIP)
Seminario de Capacitación Bíblica Permanente (SECABIP) offers free theological training to pastors and church leaders in Costa Rica and other countries in Central and South America. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their courses.
Seminario La Misión Iglesia Presbiteriana
Seminario La Misión Iglesia Presbiteriana is an evangelical church and seminary in Buenos Aires, Argentina, seeking to renew the city through the gospel. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in the church and seminary.
Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano
Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL) seeks to train indigenous pastors in their native language to proclaim the gospel in Latin America. In association with Gospel Through Colombia, SRL uses Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum to equip church leaders in more than 20 cities in Colombia.
Seminario Teológico Marangatu
Seminario Teológico Marangatu is a Presbyterian Seminary reaching and teaching new and existing pastors and leaders in South America. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in their courses.
Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano San Pablo
Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano San Pablo is committed to training leaders of the Evangelical Church in Mexico. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum in some of their courses, and their professors also provide editing and translation services for Thirdmill.
Seminario Virtual Evangelico Juan Knox
Seminario Virtual Evangélico Juan Knox is a virtual seminary based in Argentina that provides theological courses using Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum for several Central and South American countries.
Serving Ministers of Christ (SMC)
Serving Ministers of Christ (SMC) supports and equips rural Chilean pastors by providing no cost audio-visual training materials, including some of Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum.
Shepherds Global Classroom
Shepherds Global Classroom was founded to equip underserved Christian leaders all around the world by providing a comprehensive curriculum for non-formal theological training. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Siaya Baptist Church
Siaya Baptist Church and its associated seminary seek to train pastors and church leaders in rural Kenya. They use Thirdmill's English and Kiswahili curriculum in some of their courses.
Soul Revival Ministry
Soul Revival Ministry works to train leaders and pastors in true, biblical teaching. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum for their training program.
South America Mission
South America Mission works to multiply churches across South America that transform local communities and the world as they embody the Kingdom of God. They use Thirdmill's Spanish curriculum for their educational training.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission. It offers a Master of Arts in Christian Studies that recognizes Thirdmill's curriculum for 24 of its 36 required credits.
Steppe by Steppe (SBS)
Steppe-By-Steppe (SBS) is an outreach organization in Mongolia that prepare disciples and leaders in God by raising Christian leaders and planting united structural home churches to have fellowship among believers. They use Thirdmill Institute's Mongolian curriculum in their training.
Streams of Living Water
Streams of Living Water recruits, trains, and sends believers from the Middle East & North Africa to reach the Arab world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. They use Thirdmill's Arabic curriculum in their training classes.
Study To Serve Institute
Study to Serve Institute focuses on Bible teaching in South Africa using Thirdmill's curriculum to spread the gospel and to equip saints for ministry.
Teaching Along the Way
Teaching Along the Way is a teaching ministry in Egypt led by MTW missionaries. They use Thirdmill's Arabic curriculum in their online lessons.
Teaching Missions International
Teaching Missions International provides free biblical and theological training to help church leaders around the world grow in God's grace and more faithfully lead their churches in their respective nations. They use Thirdmill's English and French curriculum in some of their training.
TEB Seminary
TEB Seminary is a theological seminary that seeks to provide training at the bachelors, masters, and doctoral levels to prepare its students for a variety of Christian ministries.
The Circle Story
The Circle Story enables, educates, and sends out individuals to places of need, reaching the most vulnerable in society on a global scale. They use Thirdmill's curriculum for pastors and lay leaders who have never had formal Bible training, focusing their efforts in Africa.
The Disciples College
The Disciples College serves to nurture, educate, and prepare disciples of Christ for ministry and service. They direct students to Thirdmill's courses as part of their educational offerings for those wishing to participate in transforming the church through biblical training.
The Gospel Coalition
The Gospel Coalition is a group of pastors and churches in the Reformed tradition that put the gospel of Jesus Christ at the center of all activities. They promote Thirdmill's curriculum on their websites.
The Grace Institute
The Grace Institute works with seminaries and Bible institutes throughout the world to help them reach pastors who normally could never attend a traditional seminary class. Using Thirdmill's curriculum and creative and accessible methods, they take the education to these pastors and leaders in a deep and profound way.
The Living Bread
The Living Bread uses Thirdmill's Arabic curriculum among their study groups and on their website. They also use Thirdmill's Arabic online classroom in some of their learning communities.
The Masters Bible Institute
The Masters Bible Institute exists to provide biblical and theological training to pastors and church leaders in the Philippines. They use Thirdmill`s curriculum in some of their training.
The Wilberforce
The Wilberforce works with educational institutions around the world to provide PhD professors for various biblical courses. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their courses.
Theology Online (THEOn)
Theology Online (THEOn) makes theological education accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their free theological program courses in India.
Third Millennium Leadership Institute Philippines
The Third Millennium Leadership Institute of the Philippines provides a world-class biblical education that builds and equips future Christian leaders. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their courses.
Thirdmill Seminary
Thirdmill Seminary offers students a fully online theological education that is resourced by content experts in the Bible and theology. Students also work with their pastors and mentors to apply what they are learning in their local ministry contexts. They use Thirdmill's English and Spanish curriculum in their courses.
Timeless Theological Academy
Timeless Theological Academy is an online community dedicated to providing the best courses for spiritual growth and development at affordable prices. They use some of Thirdmill's curriculum for their Certificate in Biblical Studies.
Timothy Two Project International
Timothy Two Project International is committed to equipping and training indigenous pastors and ministry leaders with the essential truths of the Christian faith so that they can train others. Their missionaries distribute Thirdmill's curriculum to pastors in the countries where they serve.
Triune Biblical University
Triune Biblical University (TBU) is an evangelical, interdenominational community dedicated to preparing men and women for ministry. They use Thirdmill's English and French curriculum both online and at their campuses in the Francophone world.
True Way International
True Way International equips the church in Asia through seminary education and training for pastors and church planters, Bible College education for college students, Sunday School training for children and youth, and missions and evangelism training. They have schools in China, the Philippines, and Thailand. They use Thirdmill's Chinese and English courses in their training programs.
Tyrannus Online Seminary
Tyrannus Online Seminary, an associate member of the Asia Theological Association (ATA), is a non-profit and non-denominational organization that provides theological education online to Christian working adults. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their courses.
Union Bible Theological College (UBTC): Mongolia
Union Bible Theological College (UBTC) trains Mongolian pastors, Christian educators, missionaries, organizational leaders, and ordinary Christians in solid Biblical teaching, discipleship and leadership studies. UBTC is accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA). They use Thirdmill's Mongolian curriculum in some of their training.
Union Theological College
Union Theological College, located in Belfast, Northern Ireland, works in conjunction with the BibleMesh Institute and Cornhill Scotland to offer an accredited Graduate Diploma and a Graduate Certificate in Theology under the supervision of Union's theological faculty.
Victory Revival Ministries
Victory Revival Ministries gathers and trains pastors to provide unity and spiritual knowledge. They plan to use Thirdmill's English curriculum to train leaders.
Village Seven Presbyterian Church
Village Seven Presbyterian Church, located in Colorado Springs, CO, uses Thirdmill's online classroom to help pastors prepare for ordination.
Washington Mongolian Church
Washington Mongolian Church, part of Union Branch International (UBI), is a missional church that seeks to send missionaries to Mongolia and across the world. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
West Africa Mission
West Africa Mission is a ministry focused on training local rural pastors in Ghana through their Bible college. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in their training.
West Saint Mark Bible College and Seminary
West Saint Mark Bible College & Seminary provides biblical, theological, and church administration degree programs for faith-based workers. They use the Thirdmill Institute's English and Spanish curriculum in their programs.
Word of Life Church - Kiev, Ukraine
Word of Life Church in Kiev, Ukraine, equips the people of God with his Word and helps them find their spiritual weapons. They use Thirdmill's Russian curriculum to train church leaders and members.
Worldwide Anglican Church - Kenya
Worldwide Anglican Church (WAC) Kenya is dedicated to sound biblical teaching and works with pastors and leaders to train and prepare them for ministry. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum for their training programs.
Worldwide Anglican Church (WAC) Bible Training Institute
Worldwide Anglican Church (WAC) Bible Training Institute works throughout Africa to train interdenominational leaders and pastors. They use Thirdmill Institute's English curriculum for their training programs.
Wycliffe Associates
Wycliffe Associates focuses on accelerating Bible translation across the globe. They shared Thirdmill's curriculum on their website for translation.
Wycliffe Ethiopia
Wycliffe Ethiopia is an interdenominational Bible translation organization that partners with WE-LEAD to bring mother-tongue-based quality education, literacy development and community growth to minority communities across East Africa and the world. They use Thirdmill's Amharic curriculum in some of their classes.
Yayasan Edukasi & Sosial21 (YES Indonesia)
Yayasan Edukasi & Sosial21 (YES Indonesia) exists to educate, empower, and edify the church. They use Thirdmill's curriculum to teach and train Christian leaders to bring about a revival rooted in faith.
Yayasan Pelayanan Media Indonesia (Pijar TV)
Yayasan Pelayanan Media Indonesia is the parent company for Pijar TV. Their mission is to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God through television media. They broadcast Thirdmill's Indonesian curriculum several times during the week.
Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan (YPPH)
Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan (YPPH) seeks to deliver education through a Christian worldview to all segments of society. The YPPH affiliated college, Universitas Pelita Harapan, uses Thirdmill's curriculum as part of the core curriculum. Thirdmill's curriculum is also a central part of the training required for all who teach at any of the twenty-seven YPPH affiliated schools.
YWAM Solomon Islands
YWAM Solomon Islands is a local Christian missions organization that seeks to empower young people to know their purpose in life and to equip them to share the Good News of Christ in every aspect of their lives. They use Thirdmill's curriculum in some of their training.
Zion School of Ministry
Zion School of Ministry works with individuals to provide training for pastors and leaders throughout Cameroon. They use Thirdmill Institute's English and French curriculum for their online training program.