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Dr. Reggie Kidd

Dr. Reggie Kidd

The Very Rev. Dr. Reggie M. Kidd is Dean of the Cathedral Church of Saint Luke and Professor of New Testament Emeritus at Reformed Theological Seminary. He received his M.A.R. and M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Christian Origins from Duke University. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and is an ordained priest in The Episcopal Church. Dr. Kidd teaches at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies and has served as a pastor and elder at multiple churches. He is the author of With One Voice: Discovering Christ's Song in Our Worship (BakerBooks, 2005) and has contributed to many other publications, including The Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible (Zondervan, 2003) and The Reformation Study Bible (Ligonier Ministries, 2005).


18 Video results for: Reggie Kidd

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  • Paul and the Ephesians by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    Examines how Paul designed Ephesians to teach Christians how to build, maintain and thrive in God's kingdom.
    Lesson 3 of the course: Paul's Prison Epistles
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution  | Video Segments
    Download: High Resolution [406 MB] | Medium Resolution [384 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul and the Philippians by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    A companion video to lesson 5 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Does Philippians address all types of suffering, or only suffering for the gospel?
    • Is Paul's joy related to his suffering, or to his relationship with the Philippians?
    • Was it sinful for Paul to want to die?
    • Is the joy Paul described more a recognition of Christ than an emotive experience?
    • How could Paul be both depressed and joyful at the same time?
    • Did Christian or secular virtues motivate the Philippians to care for Paul?
    • Why did Paul feel such strong affection for the Philippians?
    • Was it normal for very diverse groups to be involved in the same local congregation?
    • Should we focus on both Paul and Timothy as joint authors of Philippians?
    • What can we learn from the way that Paul exhorted Euodia and Syntyche?
    • What did Paul mean when he said that Jesus made himself nothing?
    • What is the difference between perseverance and preservation?
    • Do our good works contribute to our salvation?
    • Does God ever use the outwardly good works of unbelievers to bring them to faith?
    • How can good things come from preaching the gospel with wicked motives?
    • How should we respond to those who preach the gospel with wicked motives?
    • Who are the "true circumcision"?
    • What are the central concepts of the gospel?
    • How can we identify and deal with false teachers?

    Lesson 5 of the course: Paul's Prison Epistles
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [321 MB] | Medium Resolution [321 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul and the Ephesians by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    A companion video to lesson 3 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Why do some people question Paul's authorship of Ephesians?
    • In what ways is Ephesians similar to Paul's other writings?
    • Why is the authorship of Ephesians important?
    • Why would someone forge a letter in Paul's name?
    • Did Paul really write this letter to the Ephesians? If not, what difference does it make?
    • Does this letter address local problems in Ephesus, or only in the wider community?
    • Why should a Gentile be excited about a Jewish Messiah?
    • Do God's promises to Old Testament Israel apply to the church?
    • Have significant distinctions between Jews and Gentiles been eliminated?
    • In what way is the modern church one body?
    • Does God love diversity?
    • Did Paul downplay the idea of the kingdom of God for Gentile readers in Ephesians?
    • Is the idea of the kingdom of God just a metaphor? How does it affect us today?
    • What is the relationship between spiritual gifts and church offices in Ephesians 4?
    • Do all church offices mentioned in Ephesians 4 still exist?
    • Does Paul's instruction that wives submit to their husbands apply to every culture?
    • Is the armor of God entirely defensive, or does it also have an offensive quality?
    • What is the main way we engage in spiritual warfare?
    • Are praise and worship supposed to be primarily musical?
    • How does worship in the gathered church differ from other types of worship?
    • How do we reconcile the individual and corporate aspects of the gospel?
    • What is the relationship between the gospel and the kingdom of God?
    • What are some practical ways to build the kingdom of God?

    Lesson 3 of the course: Paul's Prison Epistles
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [272 MB] | Medium Resolution [272 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul's Imprisonment by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    Surveys the circumstances that gave rise to Paul's letters to the Colossians, Philemon, the Ephesians and the Philippians.
    Lesson 1 of the course: Paul's Prison Epistles
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution  | Video Segments
    Download: High Resolution [372 MB] | Medium Resolution [347 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul and the Philippians by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    Examines Paul's letter of hope and encouragement for the times of persecution and distress he and the Philippians faced.
    Lesson 5 of the course: Paul's Prison Epistles
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution  | Video Segments
    Download: High Resolution [393 MB] | Medium Resolution [378 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul and the Colossians by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    Examines Paul's response to the heretical teachings that introduced the veneration of lesser spiritual beings into Christian worship.
    Lesson 2 of the course: Paul's Prison Epistles
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution  | Video Segments
    Download: High Resolution [381 MB] | Medium Resolution [365 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul and Philemon by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    A companion video to lesson 4 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Does Paul's letter to Philemon have any doctrinal authority over modern Christians?
    • Would Paul's letter to Philemon have been read to the entire church?
    • How often did Paul describe the gospel's implications for a specific person?
    • Do all forms of slavery compromise human dignity?
    • How should the church respond to modern forms of slavery?
    • Is understanding Roman slavery important to understanding Paul's letter to Philemon?
    • Why did Paul try to persuade rather than command Philemon to free Onesimus?
    • Should we adopt the same strategies of persuasion that Paul used with Philemon?
    • What gave Paul the confidence to use such a risky strategy with Philemon?
    • Did Onesimus have the responsibility to make reparations to Philemon?
    • Do we always have to show mercy when we are wronged?
    • How does Paul bring the gospel to bear on Onesimus?
    • Do Paul's teachings on slaves and masters apply to other types of relationships?
    • Do the principles explained in Philemon apply to our relationships with unbelievers?
    • How does Paul's message apply to Christians who are mistreated by unbelievers?
    • What does the book of Philemon have to say about guilt and shame?
    • How does our identity in Christ motivate us to reconcile?
    • Should we limit our pursuit of reconciliation with unbelievers?
    • Should we limit our pursuit of reconciliation with believers?
    • How can we rightly interpret God's providence?

    Lesson 4 of the course: Paul's Prison Epistles
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [284 MB] | Medium Resolution [284 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul and his Theology by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What details do we know about Paul's background?
    • Did Paul replace the Old Testament with faith in Christ?
    • How has the Reformed tradition viewed the relationship between the Old and New Testament?
    • How can Gentiles be counted as Jews and perfect law-keepers in Christ?
    • How do Christians receive Christ's status?
    • If we are counted as perfect in Christ, why did Jesus exhort us to be perfect?
    • How do the natural and the supernatural intersect in our lives?
    • Is God going to restore the earth or destroy it?
    • How is Christ present in the sacraments?
    • How did the early church feel about the delay of Christ's return?
    • How does the delay of Christ's return affect daily Christian living?
    • How far should we go in trying to become all things to all people?
    • Did Paul embrace the entire Old Testament, or only some of its teachings?
    • Should modern missionary strategies be based on Paul's example?
    • Can Christians divide from each other in a godly way?
    • Should our theology be academic or practical?
    • What are some practical ways to maintain spirituality in an academic setting?
    • Is it dangerous to reconstruct Paul's theology?
    • How can our imaginations help us understand Scripture?

    Lesson 1 of the course: The Heart of Paul's Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [297 MB] | Medium Resolution [297 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul and the Colossians by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    A companion video to lesson 2 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • How did Paul decide which cities to visit?
    • If we discover another letter from Paul, should we add it to the Bible?
    • How common was syncretism in the ancient world?
    • Did syncretism come just from Gentile converts, or also from Jewish Christians?
    • Why is syncretism dangerous?
    • Is syncretism still an issue in the modern church?
    • Are there real spiritual powers other than God, or are they just personified concepts?
    • How real is spiritual warfare?
    • How should Christians think about angels and demons?
    • Why did the false teachings sound wise to the Colossians?
    • Are Paul's arguments against false teaching effective against modern philosophies?
    • What did the false teachers in Colossae promote?
    • How can Christ be both God and the image of God?
    • Why is Christianity superior to other faiths?
    • How are Christian ministers superior to ministers of other religions?
    • Is our present salvation really better than the salvation other religions offer?
    • Was Paul's view of Christian liberty in Colossians consistent with his view in 1 Corinthians?
    • How can modern Christians enjoy liberty and still be sensitive to others?
    • How should we express our loyalty to Christ in discussions with other religions?
    • How should we express our loyalty to Christ when interacting with other Christians?
    • How can we focus on things above without neglecting our earthly responsibilities?
    • Is regeneration a one-time event?

    Lesson 2 of the course: Paul's Prison Epistles
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [288 MB] | Medium Resolution [288 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles
  • Paul and the Thessalonians by: Dr. Reggie Kidd
    A companion video to lesson 3 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Did Paul sin by refusing to take John Mark on his second missionary journey?
    • Why did the Holy Spirit prevent Paul from ministering in Asia?
    • What do 1 & 2 Thessalonians teach about the timing of Christ's return?
    • How can we hope in Christ's return without forming inappropriate expectations?
    • How does diligent work in worldly occupations benefit our Christian witness?
    • Who is or was the "man of lawlessness"?
    • How can we discern false prophets and false teachers today?
    • How can we affirm hard work without overemphasizing prosperity?
    • Is laxity always sin?
    • What can younger, poorer Christians learn from the example of older, well-to-do Christians?
    • How do we deal with churches and church leaders that advocate false teachings?
    • When is it legitimate to leave a church?
    • What unique contributions do Paul's letters to the Thessalonians make to our theology?
    • Why did Paul say that believers that had died were "asleep"?
    • How should Christ's imminent return impact our view of building the kingdom?
    • How does the Holy Spirit separate us from the world without taking us out of the world?
    • How common were forgeries when the Bible was being written?

    Lesson 3 of the course: The Heart of Paul's Theology
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [288 MB] | Medium Resolution [288 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Pauline Epistles

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