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Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr. is Co-Founder and President of Third Millennium Ministries. He served as Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary for more than 20 years and was chair of the Old Testament department. An ordained minister, Dr. Pratt travels extensively to evangelize and teach. He studied at Westminster Theological Seminary, received his M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary, and earned his Th.D. in Old Testament Studies from Harvard University. Dr. Pratt is the general editor of the NIV Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible, a translator for the New Living Translation, and a Christian theology consultant for the Islamic Encyclopedia. He has also authored numerous articles and books, including Pray with Your Eyes Open, Every Thought Captive, Designed for Dignity, He Gave Us Stories, and commentaries on 1 & 2 Chronicles and 1 & 2 Corinthians.

Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter.


46 Video results for: Richard Pratt

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  • A Prophet's Job by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 2 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • How is the job of a prophet different from that of a simple fortune teller?
    • What does the Hebrew word "nabi" (nah-VEE) communicate about the role of prophets?
    • In what ways were prophets called to be seers?
    • In what ways were prophets called to be messengers?
    • What regulations for kingship did Israel's kings violate, leading to an increase in the number of prophets during the monarchical period?
    • What role did the prophets play in holding Israel and its leaders accountable to God's law?
    • Why was there so much prophetic activity prior to God's exiles of Israel and Judah from the Promised Land?
    • What were the major concerns of the post-exilic prophets?
    • What is the relationship between divine covenants and ancient Near Eastern treaties?
    • How was the prophetic office related to the covenant God established with Israel?
    • How did the prophets serve as God's covenant ambassadors or emissaries?

    Lesson 2 of the course: He Gave Us Prophets
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [508 MB] | Medium Resolution [244 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Prophets
  • Dynamics of the Covenants by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 4 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What is a covenant?
    • How has the discovery of ancient Near Eastern treaties helped us understand biblical covenants?
    • How do all biblical covenants display God's benevolence?
    • Are divine covenants unconditional, or do they include an element of human responsibility?
    • In what ways did biblical covenants require loyalty?
    • How do the Ten Commandments demonstrate that God's relationship with his people is based on his grace and mercy?
    • What is the relationship between faith and works in the Christian life?
    • What is saving faith?
    • What does Leviticus 26 teach us about God's patience in bringing divine judgment?
    • If some of God's blessings are contingent on our obedience, does this mean that our good works contribute to our salvation?
    • How did God promise to bless Israel and Judah after the judgment of exile?

    Lesson 4 of the course: He Gave Us Prophets
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [526 MB] | Medium Resolution [254 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Prophets
  • Literary Analysis of the Prophets by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 6 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • How can identifying the different kinds of literature that appear in the prophetic books help us interpret them more responsibly?
    • Why did prophets write some of their prophecies as historical narratives?
    • Why did prophets sometimes use symbolic actions in their prophecies?
    • How does understanding the historical context help us interpret Isaiah 7?
    • What is the value of prophetic laments?
    • What kinds of messages did Old Testament prophets communicate to God's people?
    • What is the significance of the cows of Bashan in the oracle of judgment from Amos 4?
    • What are the elements of a covenant lawsuit?
    • What are some of the blessings we receive from the new covenant prophesied in Jeremiah 31?
    • What does repentance from sin look like?

    Lesson 6 of the course: He Gave Us Prophets
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [583 MB] | Medium Resolution [283 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Prophets
  • Essential Hermeneutical Perspectives by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What makes prophetic books so difficult to understand?
    • Did the Holy Spirit dictate his revelations to the prophets?
    • What is organic inspiration?
    • To what extent did the prophets understand their own prophecies?
    • Why is it important to search for the original meaning of biblical passages?
    • Why should we avoid reading the prophetic texts atomistically, or in isolation from their literary context?
    • What is the danger in reading prophetic texts ahistorically, or in isolation from their historic context?
    • What is grammatico-historical exegesis?
    • How can we draw practical modern applications from biblical prophecy without ignoring the prophet's original intention?
    • How did the Old Testament prophets understand the "day of the Lord"?

    Lesson 1 of the course: He Gave Us Prophets
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [592 MB] | Medium Resolution [287 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Prophets
  • Historical Analysis of Prophecy by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 5 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What are the consequences of ignoring the historical situation of biblical prophecy?
    • What do we know of David's character after he took the throne in Jerusalem?
    • Why did the nation of Israel divide into two nations: Israel and Judah?
    • What was the Syrian-Israelite coalition, and why was it formed?
    • Why did Israel fall to Assyria?
    • What happened during the Sennacherib invasion of Judah when Hezekiah was king?
    • What was the prophet Hosea's message to the northern kingdom of Israel?
    • Why did Judah fall to the Babylonians?
    • What was Joel's main message?
    • What was Ezekiel's main message to Judah?
    • How did the post-exilic prophets address the restoration period in Israel?

    Lesson 5 of the course: He Gave Us Prophets
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [506 MB] | Medium Resolution [242 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Prophets
  • The Purpose of Predictions by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
    A companion video to lesson 7 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What is God's immutability?
    • In what ways is God immutable?
    • Why must God's eternal plan be immutable?
    • What do theologians mean by the providence of God?
    • What is divine foreknowledge?
    • How does Jeremiah 18 teach that God allows for human contingencies to alter the outcomes of prophetic predictions?
    • Why is it that some prophecies in Scripture don't come to pass as predicted?
    • What do we learn about the influence of human reactions to predictions in the story of Jonah?
    • Why does God sometimes put conditions on his prophecies?
    • What was the main purpose of biblical prophecy?
    • Can some prophecies have implicit conditions that are never explicitly stated?

    Lesson 7 of the course: He Gave Us Prophets
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [623 MB] | Medium Resolution [305 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Prophets

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